virtualdj's Profile

virtualdj's Profile Photo

Username: virtualdj
Name: Chad
Email: chadvancleve at virtualdj-dayton dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Hometown: Fairborn, OH
Country: United States
Date Joined: January 6, 2008 11:15 pm EST
Age: 50
About Me: Virtual DJ Entertainment is simply your best choice for DJ entertainment! We will provide you with amazing and unforgettable tailor-made DJ entertainment for your event. Our goal is to be the highest quality DJ entertainment service anywhere. From the first phone call to the last dance, we will help you plan your entertainment from elegance to electrifying! We are dedicated to personal and professional service focusing on your needs and designing an event perfect for you. We provide dance lighting at all shows, to include lasers! Did I mention affordability�check out our website:!
The Music Hutch HTML5 player background


♫  Virtual DJ Entertainment - Bang Bus  ♫

Virtual DJ Entertainment - Bang Bus
Virtual DJ Entertainment - Jump On Board
VirtualDJ Entertainment - Lift Off
Virtual DJ Entertainment - LOX Bottle
Virtual DJ Entertainment - The Drop
Virtual DJ Entertainment - 7 Nation Army Clears it Throat MashUp
Virtual DJ Entertainment - Nine Inch Beatles MashUp
Virtual DJ Entertainment - Party Like We Are Rock Champions MashUp
Virtual DJ Entertainment - RUN DMC Metallica MashUp
Virtual DJ Entertainment - Lean On Beautiful Girls MashUp
Virtual DJ Entertainment - Doobie Brothers MashUp
Virtual DJ Entertainment - Walk it Out Girlfriend MashUp
Virtual DJ Entertainment - Crank That Brain Stew MashUp
Virtual DJ Entertainment - Sweet Home Country Grammar MashUp
Virtual DJ Entertainment - What You Goin Do Iron Man MashUp
Virtual DJ Entertainment - Madonna & Tears MashUp