taunggyitime's Profile

taunggyitime's Profile Photo

Username: taunggyitime
Name: Taunggyi Time
Email: taunggyitime at gmail dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Country: Myanmar
Date Joined: February 24, 2010 11:04 am EST
Age: 46
About Me: Khun Thar Doon (1940-1978)
Khun Thar Doon was born in a village south of Taunggyi and attended a missionary school in Kalaw, where he learned to play the guitar. He attended veterinarian school at Insein, a northern suburb of Rangoon. He became the most popular Pa-Oh singer-songwriter in southern Shan State and supported the nationalist Pa-Oh cause. His father was killed by a politician rival in 1956, and Khun Thar Doon himself was killed by the Communist Pa-Oh at his home in His Hseng (Thaton Lay) in 1978.