khatungo's Profile

khatungo's Profile Photo

Username: khatungo
Email: khatungo at yahoo dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Hometown: San Jose, CA
Country: United States
Date Joined: October 8, 2007 8:21 pm EST
Age: 42
About Me: Born in Viet Nam, Kha Tu came to America with her mother and younger brother to reunite with her father. A few years later she became an exclusive singer for Hai Au Music Productions and left after the two year contract was over. She has become a freelance singer ever since. Within a five year time frame, Kha Tu worked with most Vietnamse well known music productions such as Lang Van The Gioi Nghe Thuat, Van Son Productions, Trung Tam Asia, U-Sing-Along, Nguoi Dep Binh Duong and so on: more than 30 music CD's and some videos were produced by them and a few CD's and music videos by Kha Tu Music Productions. Two years ago, Kha Tu got involved in a car accident which almost caused her to lose her vocal ability. Fortunately, she has gradually been on the road to recovery; her voice has been almost back to normal. Kha Tu specializes in Vietnamese country music ( Nhac Que Huong); however; sometimes, she tries to make the crossover to POP music and soft rock ( Nhac Thoi Trang and Nha Tre).