jahyute's Profile

jahyute's Profile Photo

Username: jahyute
Name: Shepherd Bique
Email: denaztyman at hotmail dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Country: Dominica
Date Joined: January 9, 2009 3:19 pm EST
Birthday: March 29, 1984
Age: 40
About Me: Jahyute Revolution Solo Artist from the Nature Island of the Caribbean Jahyute brings true sound from the Caribbean his music consists of genres from Reggae, Dancehall, Soca, Zouk and R&B. These genres are all common and come from the same ancestry born into the Caribbean region.

Jahyute has reintroduced himself into the music world after working with several bands as a keyboardist and vocalist with his first solo album release Sweet Sweet Sweet Music. Jahyute currently at the time is putting together songs for the next album; release date for the next album at this time is unknown. The album Sweet Sweet Sweet music was released in February 2008 and is available on CD.

He started off singing in 1998 in a small band named "Ruthless" where he made his name, and he was known as "Sparks". When Ruthless broke up he then played for a band called "GSS" in 2000 which was his high school band. After GSS band parted ways he formed a rap group called "N-Kingz". After N-Kingz split up he was offered a lead vocalist position with "7 Xtreme" in 2004, where he started playing keyboards. Over the years his keyboard skills grew, where he made full composition of songs (writing songs, making instrumentals, singing, and recording). He was hired in to a band called "New Image" as a keyboardist, after 2 years gave it all up to become a solo artist. Jahyute had a thought, why be in a band when he could do it all on his own? Jahyute Revolution. The name Jahyute Revolution came about as Jah is God, Yute is Child, and Revolution is the New Me. Jahyute had troubles starting off as a solo producer until he met his manager Lacey Shock an Idaho native in the United States who gave him the final push to bring it out.

So when you hear Sing it for me Mr. Rastafari or The House is Warm be sure to know you will hear Jahyute follow with his upbeat positive music. The music with an exception to one track is acceptable for all age groups.