isis1111's Profile

isis1111's Profile Photo

Username: isis1111
Name: Donna Lizzio
Email: Islandgirl5643 at aol dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Hometown: Delanco, NJ
Country: United States
Date Joined: October 15, 2009 11:45 am EST
Birthday: April 1, 1954
Age: 71
About Me: I love all music and am a Composer/Lyricst.I write in any genre but theatrical music (showtunes) and film scores are my specialty. I also write song's for animated features and am an award winning screenwriter for my animated feature "The Cat And The Rat." I am currently working on the musical "Thomas Jefferson's Comic Commando's.." being described as George M. Cohan meets the X-Men up New York way! "Sue The Bastards" is a rough demo from the show along with a finished piece.. America And My Life! Hear more samples of my music at..
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