akiliamina's Profile

akiliamina's Profile Photo

Username: akiliamina
Name: Akili
Email: akiliamina at gmail dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Country: United States
Date Joined: May 23, 2009 2:33 am EST
Age: 58
About Me: My name is Akili Amina, I am a poet and writer. This is a homemade CD as you will realize. It is not of the greatest quality in that there is a hissing when I read, but if you can overlook that slightly you may enjoy the message. akiliamina.blogspot.com is my blog and you are welcome to stop by. I used free loops from free-loops.com and read my poems over them. This CD is not for sale, but I loved making it and listening to it. I hope you do too.