absenttalent's Profile

absenttalent's Profile Photo

Username: absenttalent
Email: Erik dot Sperreild at gmx dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Country: Norway
Date Joined: April 4, 2010 5:18 pm EST
Birthday: March 12, 1977
Age: 48
About Me: Bjorn Bakland

Performs and composes his own material.

Gibson SG and Squier stratocaster guitar
Fender jazz bass (Aria II on songs before 2005)
Yamaha Motif and Technics keyboards
Amiga and PC midi

Hobbies: Bakland sometimes feeds the goldfish.

The Music Hutch HTML5 player background


♫  Bjorn Bakland - Does he taste better than me?  ♫

Bjorn Bakland - Does he taste better than me?
Bjorn Bakland - Hope and prey
Bjorn Bakland - You loved me
Bjorn Bakland - When another cowboy comes to town