DoctorKazoo's Profile

DoctorKazoo's Profile Photo

Username: DoctorKazoo
Name: Doctor
Email: ibblefum at poetic dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Hometown: Stroudsburg, PA
Country: United States
Date Joined: June 5, 2010 9:58 am EST
Age: 54
About Me: I�ll play you a tune on my kazoo, doodle you a cartoon on a napkin or just listen to what you have to say about anything or nothing in particular. I�m a vagabond on the highway of life in search of truth, love and purpose.

Sometimes I get to thinking I'm just a damaged weirdo but I suppose most creative people are damaged . . . broken and confused. Out of our emotional wreckage, however, springs art. Our pain spawns poetry and music and paintings. So maybe that�s who I am...that�s who all artists and musicians are. We�re the tribe of the lost, the battered and the bruised and so we have art to show and songs to share.