DjScottyP's Profile

DjScottyP's Profile Photo

Username: DjScottyP
Email: djscottypinfield at hotmail dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Country: Australia
Date Joined: October 17, 2007 7:46 am EST
Age: 42
About Me: ummmmmm...............
hi everyone, im DJ SCOTTY PINFIELD and im a 25 year old australian male and when i can i mix music on my pc.
i have a youtube account but i figure this site works better for me cause i cant edit videos to save my life. is my myspace address.
i love KIRSTEN DUNST, ALYSSA MILANO, DESTINY'S CHILD and MASHED POTATO! lol no but really mashed potato rocks! especially the way i make it! i like to stay positive and try to see a bright side to things. if u wanna know more you should check out my myspace page.
Dj Scotty Pinfield
im also on facebook as Scott Pinfield