DJRichJordan's Profile

DJRichJordan's Profile Photo

Username: DJRichJordan
Name: Richie
Country: United Kingdom
Date Joined: September 4, 2008 1:54 pm EST
Birthday: July 13, 1984
Age: 40
About Me: Born in Swindon UK. Been living in Hull UK for 7 years. Started DJ'ing at age 15 in 1999, in 2000 I began to play out at various free party organisations in the South West. In 2006 I ventured into the Producing side using a PC, Midi Keyboard and Music Software (still learning).

My Music taste is varied ranging from all electronic music to Bands including Weezer, Sepultura, Queens of the Stone Age and many more.
The Music Hutch HTML5 player background


♫  Weezer - Pork and Beans  ♫

Weezer - Pork and Beans
DJ Rich Jordan - Touch from Heaven (Old Skool mix)
DJ Rich Jordan - Ace vs Snatch