AProphetsVoi's Profile

AProphetsVoi's Profile Photo

Username: AProphetsVoi
Country: United States
Date Joined: September 12, 2013 8:14 pm EST
Age: 55
About Me: Join Us for Prophetical Insights from the Holy Spirit, as you learn through the teachings given to Messianic Bible Teacher Joshua Carl inspired by the Holy Ghost, the same is the Precious Holy Spirit*

We Hope to see you there*

Joshua Carl writes self help, motivational, and scriptural backed books stock full of both Practical and Biblical Advice for daily living.

Joshua Carl believes that the Church & the Synagogue are Intermingled and as One, the Ekklesia, as {Echad} the Body of Christ, Our Messiah. He believes we in the Churches and Synagogues, especially in the USA, have suffered a most severe Dichotomy of separation.

You will catch glimpses of these realities in the Discussions part of this page with brother Joshua Carl*

Joshua Carl is a servant of the L-RD G-D Almighty first, and a Bible Scholar and Teacher. He tries to the best of his several ability apply to his life the laws and principles and precepts for daily life which are written in the Torah of Moses..

In the words of brother Joshua Carl:

I am here to build friendships that last 4 life and infinity and beyond.

I am Jewish by conversion and Messianic meaning I have entrusted my eternal spirit, soul and body to Jesus {Yeshua} of Nazareth, the Christ, the Messiah of my People Israel.

I am also of an Italian Heritage, coupled with my Jewish Heritage by conversion of which I am most proud too.

Some are ashamed for their Christian Beliefs Yet I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Messiah, for it is the Power of G-d unto Salvation, to the Jew first and then to the Non Jew, Amain. ALL Glory Goes to Hashem {the Name} both now and forevermore Amain.

Here is to Our Wealth in All 5 Areas of Life

1. Spiritual
2. Relational
3. Intellectual
4. Physical
5. Financial

These are the Five Harmonic Areas of Wealth ..

Thank You and May G-D bless you as you seek to Obey & Honor Him with your life, and not simply just your words, Amain.

Sincerely Eternally His & Faithfully Yours,

Love, Joshua Carl*
The Book Of Joshua 1:8